Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Replace airport Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Replace airport - Assignment Example The official advice to the Mayor and City Council is to go ahead and relocate the existing airport for funding and safety purposes. The major obstacle to this plan seems to be where to build the new airport. The consensus seems to be to locate the new airport in the Aladdin area and the articles mention no other possible locations, so perhaps that is the best option. If not, the location of the new airport must be fully considered first and foremost. According to Aviation eBrief (2010), the cost of the new airport could be up to $22 million. Selling the current airport could raise a portion of those funds. The main funding for the project would come from the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration. The selling of the Woods House across from the airport could also raise a portion of those funds. One of the pros of the new airport is that it would contain a 5,000-foot runway, which is longer than the one at the current airport. According to AOPA (2010), â€Å"We assume that the city will have to establish funding relationships with other agencies in order to succeed with this project and that the sale of the current airport and airport properties would be used to generate city revenues. We also estimated that the operations and maintenance for the relocated airport facility would break even, with about $160,000 in annual expenses and $156,000 income.† The pros would also include added revenue to the city, more funding options, and a more functional airport that could truly benefit the city. A con of the project is that the city would have to foot the remaining bill of the airport, which could be up to $840,000. Another con is that it is impossible to predict exactly where the funds would come from for every single portion of the project. There is also no guarantee that the Federal Aviation Administration would fund

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