Friday, March 20, 2020

Mate Selection Theories essays

Mate Selection Theories essays To describe men and women's differential preferences in mate selection, I am going to use the following theories: 1) sexual selection theory, 2) parental investment theory, and 3) social learning theory, and 4) sexual strategies theory. All of these theories have been used to explain why men and women have differential preferences in mate selections. In the evolutionary approach, biological fitness is defined as reproductive success. Therefore, understanding particular behavioral sex differences is of great interest to evolutionists. Reproduction is central to the evolutionary process and no domain is closer to reproduction than sexuality. Darwin (58) adopted phrase "survival of the fittest" to summarize the process of natural selection, but this choice was unfortunate. Survival is certainly critical. Many adaptations of organisms exist because they successfully overcame the forces that impeded survival, such examples are parasites, diseases, food shortages, predators, and Darwin (67) also fashioned the use of term what he believed to be a second evolutionary process, which he called sexual selection. According to sexual selection theory, characteristics that give organisms an advantage in the competition for mates can also evolve. Sexual selection can operate through two processes. The first is intrasexual or same-sex competition. If members of one sex compete with one another, and the victors of these competitions gain preferential sexual access to mates, then these useful qualities lead to success in same-sex competitions will be selected and can evolve over time. These might include athletic ability, social skills to enlist allies, or even a sense of humor that deters a rival. The key point is that whatever qualities lead to success in same-sex competitions can evolve because of the reproductive advantage that accrues to the victor The second component...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

10 of the most useful apps for nurses

10 of the most useful apps for nurses We know nurses have to do it all: gain the trust of the medical staff and tend to patients’ physical and emotional needs, all while having some of the best memories in any industry. While the emotional side of the job usually comes with years of experience, there are a few apps out there geared toward making the information part of nurses’ lives a little easier to learn and remember.If you’re a nurse, or know a nurse, check these apps out and prepare to rejoice.1. Human Anatomy AtlasThis 3D atlas of the human body lets you search for the exact anatomy you need to see. With extremely detailed visuals that you can move and dissect, you’ll also get definitions with pronunciations of tons of medical terminology, a 1,000+ question test bank, and the ability to read information in 7 languages.2. Med MnemonicsDaunted by all the terminology you need to remember cold? This app helps you figure out ways to trick your brain with fun and easy-to-remember wordplay for more than 1,900 terms and concepts.3. NCSBN FlashcardsThe Medication Flashcards from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing give you an instant download of an entire medication library. It’s great for studying for exams like the NCLEX, but also a great reference point throughout your career.4. EpocratesThis app is a one-stop resource for all medical professionals. In it, you’ll find tons of information on prescription drugs, interactions, and diseases; medical news; the ability to calculate key formulas; and much, much more.5. PEPIDThere’s a different version of this app for everyone- nurses, EMTs, physicians, students, etc. It’s a great (and comprehensive) resource guide for all stages of a medical career, in which you will have access to a drug database, dosing and medical calculators, and high-resolution art.6. Taber’s Medical DictionaryThis is a mobile version of one of the best medical dictionaries out there. It even has photos, pronu nciations, videos, and the ability to save â€Å"favorites.† This free resource gives you more than 65,000 definitions and 1,200 images at your fingertips.7. Nursing CentralThis is another one-stop-shop app that gives you references for diseases, drugs, and exam prep, plus a literature search function. You’ll also gain access to a bunch of databases including Davis’s Drug Guide, Taber’s Medical Dictionary, Diseases and Disorders, and MEDLINE Search and Journals.8. NurseGridThis one helps you organize and plan your life with color-coding and calendars galore. You can coordinate your schedule and shifts with your entire department: see who you’re working with, message your colleagues, and generally stay on top of your work and personal life, all for free!9. Pill Identifier and Drug ListNeed to identify a drug and learn everything about it? This is the app for you- and it’s free! In it, you will find information for 60,000+ drugs, plus images o f many medications so you can identify them by color, shape, and imprint.10. MediBabble TranslatorUse this app to communicate with non-English speaking patients. Even if you have some working knowledge of another language, chances are the medical terms will be tricky!