Saturday, July 20, 2019

John Smith and William Bradford :: essays research papers

John Smith and William Bradford were both leaders who established colonies. They both established a colony and they attempted to attract settlers with writings. Their writings were intended for different audiences and they both had different purposes. John Smith's writings were different than William Bradford's. John Smith had a different purpose and his writings were intended for a different audience. John Smith's purpose was to bring people to the new world. He wrote a pamphlet to the people in England and told about all the good things about New England. In his pamphlet he tried to persuade people to join him in the new land. John Smith wrote about how he promised New England was better than England. John Smith's audience was intended for people from England, and possible settlers. John Smith said, "What pleasure can be more than in planting vines, fruits, or herbs, in contriving their own grounds to the pleasure of their own minds, their fields, gardens, orchards, buildings, ships, and other works†¦." William Bradford's writings were intended for different audiences and he had a different purpose than John Smith. William Bradford's audience was intended for the future generation. His writings were intended for the future generation. He wrote a diary about his actual experiences in Colonial America. Bradford discussed in his diary about the many hardships he faced. Bradford said, "But that which was most sad and lamentable was, that in two or three months' time half of their company died†¦" Though Bradford talked about the bad things, he also talked about the goods things that occurred during the first Thanksgiving. William Bradford said, "And besides waterfowl there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took many, besides

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