Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Quench as World Leading Soft Drinks Brand Case Study

Quench as World Leading Soft Drinks Brand - Case Study Example According to the paper, Quench’s market position was particularly threatened by the media identifying their product as one of those with excessive levels of sugar. Given their customer base’s preference for healthy products, coupled to the focus on obesity as an urgent global health issue, Quench’s turnover has declined sharply and the company now faces an uncertain future. In this paper, solutions to the current problems faced by Quench will be identified and expert recommendation on how to regain lost market share given to Quench’s board of directors. The first alternative solution for Quench focuses on the company increasing their promotional and marketing strategies, specifically in consumer segments that are untapped. Quench could capitalize on their brand image within the sector, such as their good business practices and environmental initiatives and promote these to the consumers. By promoting their positive social and environmental initiatives, the y could gain an advantage with consumers who may dismiss Quench as another corporate entity out for profits. Rotfeld identifies comfort, simplicity, local sourcing, and going green as the food and beverage trend of 2013, which are aspects that Quench may use to advertise their environmental initiatives, in turn enticing consumers who are eco-conscious. With regards to comfort and simplicity trends, consumers are seeking to return to normalcy after the recent recession, as well as to resume pre-recession consumption habits. Quench could take advantage by re-energizing their brand and marketing its achievements in the social and environmental arena. However, this strategy has several limitations for Quench, including the magnitude of controversy around the company regarding unhealthy ingredients that may not be undone through promotion of its good deeds.

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